Action D1:
Communication and Dissemination: General progress of the project has been communicated in Pan European Networks, 2015, issue 16, page 76, “A Perspective on re-used glycol” (Annexe 7.3. B) and in Adjacent Government, 21/01/2016, Recyctec Holding AB, “Re-using glycol – a more eco-friendly alternative” (Annexe 7.3.C). For cost-efficiency reasons, a specific project website was not started, instead information about the project was (and is) available on the existing Recyctec website Study visits at the facility in Jönköping have been abundant. Recyctec participated in more than 6 conferences and exhibitions, such as Elmia Avfall och Återvinning, the largest Swedish forum for waste management and recycling, September 2014, and LIFE Conference “Supporting Entrepreneurship in Europe” Brussels, October 2014.
Action D2:
Networking: Recyctec has been approached with a request for co-operation – study of Sustainability and Replicability of LIFE projects for the period 2007–2016. Contact has also been established with the BIOforLIFE project, Cyprus, a LIFE + project. However, due to the problems with project management, and the fact that networking was to take place at the later stages of the ReCOOL project, compared with the planned output and time schedule, these activities came late in the project, with delivery dates after the project had been closed, hence Action D2 has not been completed according to plan.
Action D3:
After Life+ communication plan: The After Life+ plan was not completed, due to the fact that the project was stopped prematurely.